Sunday, June 15, 2008

Internship Project

Internship Project at the Veterans Hospital in La Jolla
Recreational Therapy: HAIRCUT PROGRAM - FLOOR 4, SOUTH

The plan was that we, meaning my mentor and I, would help with haircuts for veterans on The Ward that couldn't or weren't well enough to go to the first floor. I am helping Bill, the Recreational Therapist with planning a barber, haircutting program.
We would set up a place for haircuts in the Community Living Center that was formally the ECU or Extended Care Unit. The ward is changing over to a patient friendly Community Living Center that gives patients more space, and more things, as opposed to just their rooms that they can share with up to 4 - six people depending on how big the room is. They also have a game room amongst other things on the ward, however, the renovation of the ECU would be very benificial and helpful for them. The renovations for each patient, would mean that each one will get their own room as opposed to sharing a room with four other people. In addition to an expansion of rooms, the ward will provide patient friendly meals and have a beauty parlor and barber shop. A haircutting program basically. Barbers come up to the ward on the second and Tuesday of each month. Bill and I set up the barber shop with tables and chairs in a shower room that we converted into a portable barber shop.
The funds for this project would be provided by the Womens Auxilary of the American Legion.

This was very hard to set up, the planning that we had to do for it was lengthy.

1.) we had to hatch a plan
2.) we had to get the funding for it
3.) we had to get the policy written up
4.) we had to find a barber that had a flexible time scedule, that was willing to give haircuts to sick veterans in wheelchairs
5.) we had to get the room
6.) Let the staff know what the rules were - 2 patients from each of the wards B, C, and D Pods.
Unless there was no one on the ward then you could have 4 from the ward or two from the other.
7.) Find the scedule of who goes when, for example, if a patient is notorius for taking a long time to get ready, we would put him last in line for his haircut, instead of having him go first and making people wait in line.
8.) Set the scedule weekly or bi weekly or when in the month this will happen

Friday, June 13, 2008

Colleen's Internship

This year my internship I happened to have two internships. All was well though, I have many interests, but, to find your niche, you go through fazes. How will you ever know what your good at if you don't at least dip your toe into each interest?
Life has a way of directing you even, if you protest.

I had an avid and passionate interest in politics and was raised to be aware of current events and happenings. I was fortunate enough to get a political internship as a high schooler with the San Diego City Councilwoman Toni Adkins.
I learned alot from the political internship as well as what to say and what not to say. I learned that first impressions are everything and someone in politics has to be very adaptable and open to change, because things, situations, problems and work in that office changes everyday rapidly.

Unfortunatly, my political internship didn't work out. But, I was fortunate enough that I was able to set up an internship on my own with Bill Moss in Recreational Therapy at the Veterans Hospital in La Jolla. Through Recreational Therapy I helped veterans with crafts, weekly poker games, horse races, assisting with recreational therapy dogs and helping patients back to their rooms, taking them out to a garden in front of the hospital for smoke breaks or company, wheeling patients in wheelchairs downstairs to use the computer etc.

Mind you, this is not Summer camp and some of these patients are very sick hence they are inpatients. When we assist them with arts and crafts, it helps their motor skills by using their hands and their minds to cognitivly think how things go together. For examle, some of the crafts offered were, building chess pieces using clay, sanding them, fine tuning them, painting them intriquity, building car models such as the 1967 Z28 Chevy Camaro or building mocasins, a music box, a wheelchair side bag, and different crafts like that. Also each week, when we held the poker games, the patients would be excited to sike each other out and be able to interact with each other thus, helping patients with social interaction.
A little bit about Recreational therapists, also referred to as therapeutic recreation specialists, is that they provide treatment services and recreation activities for individuals with disabilities or illnesses. Using a variety of techniques, including arts and crafts, animals, sports, games, dance and movement, drama, music, and community outings, therapists improve and maintain the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their clients. Therapists help individuals reduce depression, stress, and anxiety; recover basic motor functioning and reasoning abilities; build confidence; and socialize effectively so that they can enjoy greater independence and reduce or eliminate the effects of their illness or disability.

I really enjoyed this internship. I looked forward to it each week and always met a new person. I increased my social skills, listening skills, and overall bedside manner. I was kinder, I spoke slower and softer and I learned to work faster. I also learned how to properly play Texas Holdem instead of bluffing through it.
I learned that it takes allot of patience but, that it is a fullfilling job.